Formerly the co-president of CSA, Rev. Dr. Al Tizon is Executive Minister of Serve Globally, the international ministries arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church, based in Chicago, IL. This position includes a faculty appointment as Affiliate Associate Professor of Missional and Global Leadership at North Park Theological Seminary. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Religious Educational and Church Leadership Studies from Vanguard University of Southern California and his Ph.D. in missiology from the Graduate Theological Union. He and his family engaged in community development work, ministry to street children, and pastoral ministries among the poor in his native Philippines for almost 10 years as missionaries. An ordained minister of the Evangelical Covenant Church, Al served several churches in both the Philippines and the United States. Al is the author, co-author, and co-editor of numerous books, including Transformation After Lausanne: Radical Evangelical Mission in Global-Local Perspective (Regnum, 2008) and Missional Preaching: Embrace, Engage, Transform (Judson, 2012).
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