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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Caring for Animals as a Pro-Life Ethic

By Charles Camosy


Applying our principles consistently—including when it comes to violence against voiceless non-human animals—makes the pro-life movement more effective, not less. Especially with the people we most need to get on board.

How Evangelicals Can Support Muslims During Ramadan

By Kevin Singer

Sunday, May 5th marked the beginning of the Ramadan season for Muslims, which will conclude on Tuesday, June 4th. Ramadan is the most important month of the calendar for Muslims, and participating in the holiday is one of Islam’s five pillars or duties that every Muslim must observe.

Moving from Deadlock to Dialogue

By Rob Barrett

When people disagree, what is there to talk about? When we invite people to dialogue across deep differences, sometimes they say, “What will we do after I say my piece and he says I’m wrong, then he says his piece and I say he’s wrong?”

Nobody wants to repeat the same, tired arguments yet again.

Learning to Love Better

By Dr. Ron Sider

In 2017, I was a participant in a two-day Oriented to Love (OTL) dialogue. These dialogues bring together 12 committed Christians who represent a wide range of views on LGBTQ issues in the church.

I’m Not a Social Activist

By Ron Sider
I’m not a social activist.

I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Savior, and Lord of the universe.
In the inner-city congregation where my family worshiped for more than a decade, the choir often sang a song I still love:

Benediction for Unity

By Katelyn Durst
It is hard to admit this
because we are kind people
but we wouldn’t know unity from contempt
we wouldn’t know togetherness from war

Jesus Was No Stranger to the Least of These

By Molly Lorden

Jesus spent three years with his disciples, ministering to people, healing the sick, spending time in fellowship with sinners, and preaching the good news. In the last two weeks before his death and resurrection, he showed us where his priorities were.

You Can’t Talk to God Like That

By Alia Joy

I remember reading the book of Ruth as a new Christian, and I came to the verse where Naomi says, “The Lord’s hand has turned against me” (1:13 NIV). I thought, You can’t talk to God like that.