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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Celebrating Gratitude Month

By Kristyn Komarnicki

June is Pride Month, and Pride is something I’ve learned a lot about over the last decade of my work with LGBTQ+ folx. And the learning continues. I’ve learned about the origins of Pride as a parade.

Black Spirituality & Black Liberation Webinar

By Andre Henry and Cole Arthur Riley
Spirituality has always been relevant to the quest for Black freedom. But sometimes the relationship between the two is complicated by Christian traditions influenced by colonization.

How We Reclaim Our Faith Through Deconstruction

By Rohadi Nagassar

A curious feature in American evangelicalism (which is different from Canada on this notable factor) is self-conferring the position of protector and gatekeeper to all Christian truth. This posture produces a certain response when theological or cultural presuppositions are challenged.

What to Do If You or Someone You Know Is Having Suicidal Thoughts

By Brittney Moses

I was serving in youth ministry with a new church plant when the pastor updated me on a mom in distress who’d recently been attending the church. She was hurt, stuck and confused because her teenage son, who would often shut himself away in his room, was having recurring suicidal thoughts.

We Need You

By Mihee Kim-Kort

The Struggle with Tokenism
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published Novemeber 8, 2017. We’re re-posting in honor of Asian-American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

“Tokenism does not change stereotypes of social systems but works to preserve them, since it dulls the revolutionary impulse.” Mary Daly, radical feminist philosopher and theologian

I am the only one.

Love Letter to the Lonely

By Kaitlin B. Curtice
We’ve created a world that says loneliness is our fault, mental illness is either a myth or a problem that we must suffer with or fix quietly, so we don’t disrupt the way of things. But loneliness is not wrong.

A Radical Life of YESes

By David de Leon
Yuri Kochiyama’s journey toward radical consciousness did not begin in Harlem but in the mundaneness of her life in San Pedro.

How One Polish Church Is Welcoming Ukrainian Refugees

By Christina Stanton

Saško Nezamutdinov, pastor of Christ the Saviour Presbyterian Church in Krakow, Poland, started our Whatsapp conversation that morning with a determined but desperate appeal: “We’re up to our neck in refugees! We need help—can you help?”

I was introduced to Saško at a church planting class in New York City in 2015 hosted by an organization that grew out of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in the late ’90s called City to City.

Waymakers: Claire Kretzschmar

By Christina Ray Stanton

Sporting bright pink tutus over their hand-me-down clothes, eight teenage girls wobbled through unfamiliar ballet poses in a massive orphanage just outside of Guatemala City. The girls giggled as they mimicked the moves of their teacher, Claire Kretzschmar, never realizing they were following one of the world’s top ballerinas across a bleak basketball court.

Waymakers: Tiffany Ouyang

By Christina Stanton

When Tiffany Ouyang was growing up in Plano, Texas, she pored over glamour magazines and studied red-carpet wardrobes, dreaming of one day influencing the fashion world. And she has succeeded—but not the way she ever imagined.