God’s Invitation to Welcome: Practicing Hospitality in a Divided World
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
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By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
Compiled by Kristyn Komarnicki and OTL alumni
Like loving dialogue, like the Holy Spirit, music has the ability to connect people across deep differences. While the music we cherish is deeply personal, and we don’t all enjoy the same kinds, it can still provide a window for us to access and start to understand each other’s deepest loves and longings.Below are listed a handful songs that I associate strongly with the OTL experience.
From: “A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer” by Kenji Kuramitsu
A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer, from which this prayer is taken, is now available electronically.
From: “A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer” by Kenji Kuramitsu
A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer, from which this prayer is taken, is now available electronically!
By Micky ScottBey Jones
For all my activist, organizer, social justice warrior, touched-by-the-pain-in-the-world type Beloveds out there:
The air feels heavy today. So many agonizing headlines and painful hashtags it’s hard at times not to just scroll and spiral.
By Melanie Springer Mock
The opening to Katherine James’s memoir, A Prayer for Orion, is enough to leave a reader—and in particular, a reader who is also a parent—breathless. One July morning, James finds a text on her teenaged son’s phone, suggesting his purchase of heroin is imminent.
By Megan Malkemes
Oh america!
you shakespearean tragedy,
liberty’s miscarriage,
an anthology of blasphemies.
By Jonathan Walton
In 2008, I felt like an American for the first time because I saw a leader who looked like me. All of my life I hoped my education and accomplishments would free me from the history of my skin color as inherently inferior and forever intimidating.
By Marissa Mack
Black boy
I cry for you every night
This world has
No love for you
Creator God,
We lift our voices
Joining the chorus of wind and waves
Of barks and tweets and roars and coos and clucks
To praise and glorify your name throughout all the earth.
By Mark Charles
One of the most beautiful, beneficial, and sacred spiritual disciplines I have incorporated into my life is the discipline of watching the sunrise. It is one thing to watch the sun rise a couple times a year, perhaps on Easter for a sunrise service or when you have a 6 a.m.
By Harold Dean Trulear
You tell believers to remember us in prison, but it is not clear to me that your church really does…we are useful objects of outreach and service, a duty to be checked off the list.
By Laura Coulter
Even 25 years ago, $500 wasn’t enough to hire a good ballistics expert. But that’s all the state of Alabama would cough up for Anthony Ray Hinton to prove that his gun wasn’t the one used in a 1985 double murder.
By Jenny Eaton Dyer
“We are halfway to defeating extreme poverty and disease worldwide.”
Since 1990, our generation and our nation has led the world in halving the number of people who live in extreme poverty around the world, and we did this in spite of the increase of population growth during this time period.
By Joshua Pease
There are three guarantees in life: death, taxes, and that no matter how awful the news, social media will find a way to make it worse.
By John Betten
What’s the difference between acceptance and approval?
When I think of straight friends who love and support me as a gay Christian, I think of my friend Chico. Chico is not “affirming” in the way Christians normally use that term, and he does not always approve of my actions or opinions when it comes to sexuality.
By Ronald Sider, Philip N. Olson , and Heidi Rolland Unruh
The root meaning of the word “holistic” is whole, from the Greek holos. Christians recognize that the world is broken and incomplete, falling far short of the glory God intended at the dawn of creation.
CSA is a group of Christian scholar-activists, stirring the imagination for a fuller expression of Christian faithfulness and a more just society.
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