God’s Invitation to Welcome: Practicing Hospitality in a Divided World
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
By Shayna L. Lear
The bankrupt theology of the prosperity gospel
By Cheryl J. Sanders
The pro-life movement offers the evangelical church an opportunity to partner with the African American church in a meaningful and healing way.
By Kristyn Komarnicki
“Everyone says that forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive.” ~ C.S. Lewis
By Al Tizon
In college, I joined the right-to-life movement, having been profoundly convinced that abortion-on-demand was the unjustifiable taking of human life.
An interview with James Choung
James Choung serves as InterVarsity’s national director of evangelism and is ordained with the Association of Vineyard Churches. He has over two decades of extensive service in multiethnic settings in both the church and campus worlds.
By Jim Cates
On the importance of dialogue with—rather than withdrawal from—those whose theological understandings differ from ours.
An interview with Brian Jenkins
“Everyone has a dream. Everyone has ideas.” ~Brian Jenkins, founder and president of Entrenuity
An interview with Samir Selmanovic
Samir Selmanovic is an author, speaker, and community organizer known particularly for his work in interfaith dialogue. Born and raised in a culturally Muslim but atheistic family in Croatia, as a teenager he joined an underground group of believers and became a Christian.
By John Backman
Francis Schaeffer said that if he had an hour alone with a stranger, he would spend the first 50 minutes asking questions—especially about the stranger’s beliefs—and pointing out the inconsistencies. Then, in the last 10 minutes, he would present the gospel.
An interview with Dan Merchant
Dan Merchant thinks that America has become a bumper-sticker culture. “We’re way too comfortable with one-way communication,” says Merchant. “We like to tell people what we think, but we don’t like to listen.”
By Al Tizon
Confessions of an evangelism professor—and the holistic approach that makes “bearing witness” bearable
By Rudy Carrasco
In 2013, U2 frontman Bono made ripples across evangelical America with an interview with Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly. In the interview Bono affirmed his Christian faith, reciting a stream of biblical quotes along with his own commentary and applications to daily life. At one point he clearly stated, “I believe that Jesus was the Son of God.”
By Al Tizon
How can I believe in evangelism in this day and age? In light of my own journey to faith, how can I not?
By Landon Eckhardt
How one church helps congregants integrate their faith with their work
By David Gushee
A kingdom reframing of Christian mission, as I argued in part 1 of this article, helps settle the evangelism vs. social action debate, once and for all. Let’s hope we never have to revisit it.
By David Gushee
As you read this, our nation will be preparing to inaugurate a new president. Half the country will be thrilled; the other half will be outraged.
CSA is a group of Christian scholar-activists, stirring the imagination for a fuller expression of Christian faithfulness and a more just society.
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