God’s Invitation to Welcome: Practicing Hospitality in a Divided World
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
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By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
By Tonetta Landis-Aina
It happened in the large but very ordinary fellowship hall of my Southern church, bright with florescent lights.
Reviewed by William M. Struthers
A decade ago it would have been scandalous for a pastor to share his lifelong struggle with sex addiction, and it would have destroyed any future he may have had in ministry.
By Ronald J. Sider
On June 28, I gathered in Britain with about 40 other American and British church leaders at Lambeth Palace for the London Forum to call on the leaders of the G-8 to expand our nations’ commitment to overcoming global poverty, especially in Africa.
From: Daniel Buttry
To: Charisma Media
Jesus said if you want to remove a splinter from your neighbor’s eye you must first remove the beam from your own. As a community of Christian Pentecostals and charismatics around Charisma magazine we need to practice the teaching of Jesus in a profound communal and public way now.
CSA is a group of Christian scholar-activists, stirring the imagination for a fuller expression of Christian faithfulness and a more just society.
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