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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Fasting, Justice, and the Heart of Lent

By Laurie Nichols

Lent has been around for centuries, dating back to the Early Church. It’s a 40-day season of reflection, repentance, and renewal, modeled after Jesus’ time fasting in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). At its core, Lent is about making space—letting go of distractions so we can refocus on what really matters: God’s love, justice, and the hope of resurrection.

Behold Our King

By Christie Purifoy

What was true of King David and true of King Solomon has, in fact, been true of every person to whom we have bowed or pledged our allegiance.

His feet are clay.

Celebrating Real Love on Valentine’s Day

By Kristyn Komarnicki

How about we celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, not with red hearts and rhyming sentiments and roses but with spiritual hearts committed to discovering what real love looks like, love that is founded on and nurtured by an understanding of God’s design for relationships?

Morning Prayer

Assembled by Alexander Carimichael

Thanks to Thee, O God, that I have risen today,
To the rising of this life itself;
May it be to Thine own glory, O God of every gift,
And to the glory of my soul likewise.

Standing With Asylum Seekers

By Andre Henry

What Every American Needs to Know and Can Do to Respond to the U.S. Border Situation

Thousands of people seeking asylum are continuing to camp just below the southern U.S.

How Silent Prayer Can Help Us Speak and Act

By Ed Cyzewski

For the past three years, I have written for anxious, result-driven evangelicals, encouraging them to adopt the practice of contemplative prayer, which dates back to the desert mothers and fathers: an early monastic movement in the deserts of Egypt and Palestine that peaked in the 300’s and 400’s, and birthed the practice of silent, contemplative prayer.

10 Reasons Reading the Bible Makes Me More Progressive

By Benjamin L. Corey

I once read a study showing that the more people read their Bible, the more liberal they become—something I have found to be completely true.

I’ll use the term “progressive” here since that’s how I identify.

Why We Are Divided

By Grace Sandra
On the dawn of Black History Month in 2019, Americans exist in a divided nation with an entirely different view of how the history of Black Americans ought to be remembered…if at all. Sigh

A Woman of Strength

By Kelly Gissendaner

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape,

but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything,

but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of a fearful situation.

Can We Be Wise AND Welcoming? A Review of "You Welcomed Me"

By Aimee Fritz


I’ll admit I’m tired of hearing about the border wall every day. Depending on the news outlet, someone is either lamenting the separation of children from parents, tear gas, and the loss of America’s compassion and generosity; or spitting mad about the loss of America’s jobs, safety, and identity.

A Prayer for Bearers of God’s Divine Image

By Daniel Weiss


Dear Lord, God of heaven and earth, Creator of all things visible and invisible, in your mercy hear our prayers.

Our Father, we have taken the goodness of your creation and twisted it into something wicked and shameful.

The Benefits of Self-Denial

By Chad Allen
A little while back, I took a closer look than I had before at some introductory pages in The Book of Common Prayer (I’m Episcopalian) and found these almost universally ignored instructions under the heading “Days of Special Devotion”:

Reading the Bible with a Muslim Friend

By Doug Baker

In evangelical culture, we sometimes learn to treat doubt and faith as opposites. We tell stories of how we used to doubt, but God rescued us and brought us to faith. Often, we think it is best to flee situations that challenge our faith and lead us into doubt.

What Will Make My Neighbors Healthy?

By Veronica Squires and Breanna Lathrop

Poverty is a strong predictor of mortality and a critical social determinant of health. The Department of Health and Human Services lists poverty as a key component of economic stability.