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Subscribe to the CSA Newsletter
CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Sex, Lies, and Community

By Tim Otto

“…one of the greatest political contributions Christians can make to any social order in which they find themselves is to tell the truth and to be capable of receiving the truth.”

– Theologian Stanley Hauerwas, on Dietrich Bonhoeffer

How about this for a practice run?

Reduce Suffering Where You Can

By John Seel
Much of our activism is more smug than sacrificial, “hashtag activism” without an embodied commitment. Social justice is only what love looks like in public when it costs us something.

Not Guilty, Just Responsible

By James Bratt

I was recently asked to speak at a teach-in addressing the latest spate of racially charged killings involving police—killings by police and killings of police. Those events involve ultimate stakes: human life.

The Charm of Beauty in an Ugly Age

By Brian Zahnd

“It is the prerogative and charm of beauty to win hearts.”
–Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

It’s an ugly time right now. Especially in the public discourse in the land in which I live.

That Time I Hated Someone

By Cindy Brandt

Growing up conservative Christian there were a lot of protocols. Christian culture can be very formulaic. There were the prayers you had to pray a certain way, the testimonies of prescribed narratives that you told, and cookie cutter advice you gave to people in crisis.

How Would Jesus Respond to the Travel Ban?

By Jim Baton

Since President Trump issued the temporary travel ban against citizens from seven predominantly Muslim nations, there has been no end of controversy. Some foreign leaders have criticized it; others have supported it.

Praying for Justice

By R. Anderson Campbell and Steve Sherwood

It’s easy to look at the campaign rhetoric during the previous 18 months and conclude that the next four years are going to be profoundly difficult for the vulnerable in our society.

The Spiritual Significance of Chess

By David Williams

On a recent Saturday afternoon I was at my friend John’s home where I sat across the table from his son, Frances, who has just turned five. Between us lay a chess board, all the pieces standing in their rightful places.

DOJ Ends Private Prison Outsourcing: What’s Next?

By Merrick Korach

The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on August 18, 2016 that it will no longer outsource federal prisons to private prison companies, because many of these privately operated prisons have failed to provide adequate mental health and medical attention to their detainees.

Civil Disobedience With My Kid

By Sarah Withrow King

January 17, 2017 marked the 40th anniversary of the first execution since the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the use of the death penalty in Gregg v. Georgia. In that forty years, 1,443 individuals have been put to death in the U.S.

Faith-Rooted Organizing Workshop in Philadelphia: Join Us!

From CSA

CSA is hosting a 1.5-day practical and inspirational workshop on faith-rooted organizing by award-winning world-changer Alexia Salvatierra—and you won’t want to miss it! Faith-rooted organizing brings God’s people together to create systemic change in our communities, contributing all of the gifts—from our deepest wells to broader movements for justice. 

Share Their Stories

By Katie Tan

Last month, I wrote about how I was overcome with despair at the evil in the world. Today, I am overcome by the evil within us—in America, in the actions of the new administration, in We the People.

We Marched Because

By Sue Gilmore

It is January 21st, 2017, the day after the election of Donald J. Trump as our 45th president; it is the day of the Women’s March on Washington. I wanted to go, and was all set to get up before dawn to make my way to the capital, when I heard there would also be a March in Philadelphia.

No, I Won’t Pledge My Allegiance

By Sarah Withrow King

Full disclosure: I’m starting to write this article with Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna’ Take It” blaring through my earbuds. “We’ll fight the powers that be” indeed.

I did not watch the inauguration of the 45th POTUS.