God’s Invitation to Welcome: Practicing Hospitality in a Divided World
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
By Friends at Churches for Middle East Peace
Podcast Episode #8: Generational Separation
The Women Behind the Wall podcast highlights female voices from the Holy Land, and is hosted and produced solely by women who live and work in Jerusalem.
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
My friend’s family has a tradition that on someone’s birthday, they celebrate their mother. That totally makes sense to me. As momentous as a birthday is, truly it was the mother who was doing most of the work that day.
By Gustavo H. R. Santos
Some questions have the power to change our lives. Five years ago, I decided to leave a management consulting career in Brazil to study theology in Canada.
By Kevin D. Hendricks
We’re overcompensating for the whole manger thing, hoping Jesus won’t hold it against us.
Christmas has never made much sense to me. It centers on the little baby Jesus, born into a world of nothing, so we celebrate with overabundance, presents, and goodies and decorations festooning every nook and cranny starting the day after Halloween.
By Friends at Churches for Middle East Peace
Podcast Episode #7: Helping Each Other Heal
The Women Behind the Wall podcast highlights female voices from the Holy Land, and is hosted and produced solely by women who live and work in Jerusalem.
By Stephen Mattson
There’s a religion whose savior was a refugee, yet it rejects refugees. Whose God embraces sojourners, yet it deports immigrants. Whose parishioners worship someone called the Prince of Peace, yet they defend violence and are pro-war.
By Kevin Singer
How generosity, hospitality, and presence can change the narrative on interfaith work
It was my sophomore year of college, and I was booking bands at a little coffeehouse called Java 101.
By Alfred Delp
Advent is the time of promise; it is not yet the time of fulfillment. We are still in the midst of everything and in the logical inexorability and relentlessness of destiny.
By James E. Atwood
My life as a young pastor, and the trajectory of my ministry, changed almost in the twinkling of an eye one afternoon in 1975. My secretary informed me I had a telephone call from the intensive care unit of a local hospital.
By Kristyn Komarnicki
This is the world I’m handing off to my young adult sons and future grandchildren? A nation where the merit of removing protections from select groups of humans is an actual subject of debate among its citizens?
By Elrena Evans
Merry Christmas!
I picked your card off the Christmas tree in my church because I have three boys of my own—two older than you and one younger—and I thought they might be able to help me pick out a present for you.
By Eberhard Arnold
In the past, God spoke…through the prophets at many times and in various ways.
~ Hebrews 1:1
Advent is a time in which we share in the longing of all those who lived in the distant past.
By Christians for Social Action
Are you nervous about navigating potentially tricky conversations with loved ones today? CSA’s dialogue expert, Kristyn Komarnicki, shares some strategies for dialogue across differences.
This article originally appeared on November 9th, 2015.
It’s not Thanksbuying. Or Thanksworking. It’s Thanksgiving, a time to rest and feast and reconnect with family and friends, a time to give thanks to the Creator for all the blessings in our lives—the relationships, the sustenance, the joy and purpose of our lives.
By Greg Paul
Thanksgiving may be the last communal and contemplative annual event in North America.
Most people, whether they’re religious or not, recognize that gratitude is a good thing. And most of us, even in strained circumstances or in the middle of a crisis, can find something to be thankful for.
By Sarah Withrow King
You’re hosting the holiday meal this year and have the menu all planned out when you learn one of the guests is vegan. Hospitality is important to you. You want to share the gifts you’ve been given, welcome people with open arms, and create a space where all of your guests feel warm, safe, and seen.
CSA is a group of Christian scholar-activists, stirring the imagination for a fuller expression of Christian faithfulness and a more just society.
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