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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Fasting, Justice, and the Heart of Lent

By Laurie Nichols

Lent has been around for centuries, dating back to the Early Church. It’s a 40-day season of reflection, repentance, and renewal, modeled after Jesus’ time fasting in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). At its core, Lent is about making space—letting go of distractions so we can refocus on what really matters: God’s love, justice, and the hope of resurrection.

Combating Complacency: When Awful Things Aren’t Shocking

By Sarah Withrow King

I am growing increasingly aware that we are living in the dystopian future, where the “new norm” is decidedly not normal and awful things that should shock me, simply don’t. My emotional reaction to horrific events barely registers, so I’m thinking a lot about combatting complacency.

All Work. No Pay.

By Amy Julia Harris, Reveal and Shoshana Walter, Reveal

They thought they were going to rehab. They ended up in chicken plants.
The worst day of Brad McGahey’s life was the day a judge decided to spare him from prison.

On the Non-Trump Evangelicals

By Craig Keener

I have been saving for the right time my likely one good shot at the subject of non-Trump evangelicals, and it looks like now is a good moment. The publication of Stephen Mansfield’s Choosing Donald Trump, an attempt to explain why religious conservatives flocked to Donald Trump, seems like the right time.

Bring Your Faith to School

By Elrena Evans

In the middle of all the ugliness that was the news cycle last week, I stumbled upon something that seemed, at first, like it might be a breath of fresh air. October 5th, apparently, was Bring Your Bible to School Day.

Subversive Suppers

By Jon Carlson

The ancient Romans never wrote an imperial anthem. Historians generally agree that they didn’t have a national flag, either.

In contrast, our nation’s recent controversies surrounding patriotism, national pride, and racial justice have centered on song and symbol.

Our "Thoughts and Prayers…"

By Steve Kolb

When my first wife, Virginia, died, I received incredible responses from hundreds of friends, all of which could be encapsulated in the category of “thoughts and prayers.” Lots of folks also sat with Virginia during her decline, shared their frequent flyer miles so we could go to medical appointments, came out to sing or play at her service, brought casseroles, gave me grace as I struggled to meet professional obligations, did our yard work for us, and listened while I worked through what could only be called a family catastrophe.

A Call to Radical Prayer

By Micky ScottBey Jones

Years ago, it was the discovery of praying the words of others that brought me back to praying at all. My faith tradition had taught me to pray whatever came to mind after bowing my head.

Las Vegas, Gun Violence, and the Church

By Jon Carlson

Is it genocide?
Cause I can still hear his mama cry
Know the family traumatized
Shots left holes in his face about piranha-sized
The old pastor closed the cold casket, and said the church ain’t got enough room for all the tombs.

A Prayer for When People Terrorize

By Kenji Kuramitsu
Terror has struck, and once again a great grief has opened before us.
I won’t recount the litany. We know the nausea, the shock, the dizzying cadence of such reckless hate.

Peace in the Midst of Conflict: Another Voice

By Elli Atchison

The summer of 2014 was an ugly one in Israel and Palestine. The media was filled with reports of a war that devastated Gaza, and filled Israel and the West Bank with anxiety and fear.

What You Can Do Right Now to Help Puerto Rico

By Sarah Withrow King and Rev. Carlos Malavé

The island of Puerto Rico is home to 3.4 million people, and they are suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Many of us want to help, but don’t know where to start.

The Millennial Exodus

By Carolyn Custis James

“Christianity has an image problem among American youth.”
–David Kinnaman, Barna Group

In his ominously-titled book, The End of White Christian America, Robert P. Jones (CEO, Public Religion Research Institute) chronicles the decline of the white American church.

All Belong Here

From The Many

A moment of beauty to start the week: Watch CSA’s Darren Calhoun and The Many singing “All Belong Here.”

The Heartbeat of a Community

By Chuck Bomar

Life in every community revolves around a different center. College towns revolve around the university calendar. Local restaurants are busy from September through April, and then the rhythm changes during the summer months.

Turning Our Hearts Toward One Another

By John Seel, Ph.D.

Life can put one’s emotions into a pressure cooker. Nothing does this more than family challenges. My tight-knit family is dealing with the combination of a funeral and wedding within a month of each other.

It Isn’t Morning Yet

By Elrena Evans

The world is a broken place, and when I look around I see that brokenness writ large. White supremacists are marching in the streets. Floodwaters are seeping into the homes of people I love.