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Subscribe to the CSA Newsletter
CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Reflections on Faithful Anti-Racism in Celebration of The Chicago Declaration

By Christina Edmondson

This is the second installation in our Chicago Declaration Series which celebrates the 50th anniversary of CSA’s founding document, the Chicago Declaration of Evangelical Social Concern. The Chicago Declaration, signed by 53 Evangelical leaders in 1973, was written as a call for Christians to engage in issues of justice and to reject racism, economic injustice, violence, and sexism.

Wisdom for the Church from LGBTQ+ Christians

By Bill White

From the back of the gymnasium/fellowship hall, I counted 249 church-goers and leaders, and every one of them was leaning in. No one was on their phone—no, they were too intent on trying to make sense of the unusual scene unfolding in front of them.

How to Raise Your Children in Jesus’ Way of Peace

By Kayla Craig

They scream with tears in their eyes as they wrestle and fight. “MO-OMMM!” they shout, beckoning me to referee yet another match of brother vs. brother.

I sigh and sit on their bedroom rug, motioning for them to take a seat next to me.

The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Poetic Response

By Michael Stalcup

This poem was originally published in Sojourners Magazine, inspired by James Cone’s book, The Cross and the Lynching Tree.

We shudder at the inhumanity,
the crafted cruelness of that sickening show:
the stripped humiliation, blasphemy
of beaten flesh, death’s agonies stretched slow
by fellow men created in God’s image,
turned terrorists, enslaved to sin’s strange fruit.

25 Books by Indigenous Authors You Should Be Reading

By Kaitlin B. Curtice

Originally published on November 26, 2019

I’m constantly asked for resources on how people can move forward learning about Indigenous culture, and I’m often repeating the same thing: read books.

MLK’s Advice to Find 1 Positive Thing

By Kristyn Komarnicki

“The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all [people] human and, therefore, [siblings].”
– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The last 12 years of facilitating dialogue across difference through CSA’s Oriented to Love program have taught me many things.

How to Choose Nonviolent Tactics That Move the Needle

Editor’s note: This piece is part 4 of our 4-part series on the levels of strategy for nonviolent direct action for racial justice. Click here to start at the beginning.

A political miracle for racial justice occurred in Birmingham, Alabama, in the late spring of 1963.

How to Build Racial Justice Campaigns That Last

Editor’s note: This piece is part 3 of our 4-part series on strategic nonviolent direct action for racial justice. Click here to start at the beginning.

“Freedom only comes through persistent revolt — through persistent agitation.” 
– Rev.

Reflections of a Former Bully

By Kristyn Komarnicki

As a kid, I was a terrible bully. In 3rd grade, I kidnapped a kid’s blue rock, which he’d brought in for show-and-tell. I left a ransom note that reduced him to a tearful panic, which only made me hate him more.

4 Powerful Bible Verses to Share with Gay People

By Misty Irons

Seasoned ministers tell me that preaching and pastoring go hand in hand. You can’t know what to preach to people on Sunday unless you have already spent Monday through Saturday shepherding their hearts.

How CSA Is Observing Black August

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 5:10

You’d never suspect that this short, elderly South African man was once considered a threat to national security.