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Tips for Holy Conversations about Gun Violence

From Sword of the Spirit’s College Toolkit

Gun violence is a sensitive subject that can elicit strong emotions. Here are some suggestions on how to engage in a respectful, productive dialogue on the topic.
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Solving the Problem of the Apostle Paul

By Jon Carlson

In 1971, Dr. Mary Daly became the first woman to preach at the Memorial Church of Harvard University in its 336-year history. Selecting her Biblical texts, she wove together what Rev. Dr.

Not Safe, But Good

By Elrena Evans

My daughter’s first year of Vacation Bible School, she decided halfway through the week that she didn’t want to be a Christian.

I learned about her decision from a teen volunteer, who came to find me, ensconced in the nursing mother’s room at the church with my three-month-old.

The Time Is Now: End the Separation of Families

By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
As terror continues to unfold on our southern borders and immigrant children are taken from their parents’ arms, over 2800 women have signed a letter calling for an end to the practice of separating children from their parents at the border.

Fences or Wells?

By John Seel

Millennials are abandoning the traditional church. But they are not abandoning spirituality. Is there a way to reconnect the two? The answer may be found by looking at cattle ranchers.

There are two methods of keeping cattle on a ranch.

For Each Other’s Welfare

Quote by Helen Keller

Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained.

~Helen Keller

How Pausing Is Kindness

By Prasanta Verma
i will tell you now
how pausing is kindness.
pausing is the white space,
white space around words.

Vegan Christians Aren’t That Scary

By Sarah Withrow King

“I’m not that scary,” Danny Concannon says to C.J. Cregg in the final season of The West Wing. “I just want to talk.”

If you are vegan, or vegetarian, or another sort of animal-friendly Christian, these two sentences from Danny probably capture some of the feelings you have as you try to build relationships in your corner of the world.

You Did for Me

Reading from Matthew 25
For I was hungry
and you gave me food.
I was thirsty
and you gave me drink…

Christianity Is a Refugee Story

By Kevin Singer

If you are a Christian, you are part of a refugee story. You join the ranks of Abraham, who took a dangerous journey from his homeland of Ur to the land of Canaan; Joseph, who was carried into Egypt after being sold into slavery by his brothers; and Moses, who fled to the wilderness of Midian after he took the life of a brutal Egyptian slave master.