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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

In Blood

By Rachel Marie Stone

By Rachel Marie Stone

I was born the same year that a strange malady called GRID first began killing gay men in New York and San Francisco. My mom received several pints of donated blood right after I was born, a few years before HIV was identified as the cause of GRID.

On Believing LGBTQ Youth…And Everyone Else

By Ross Murray

In my time creating and leading The Naming Project, I’ve come to understand a principle that has become the bedrock of my ministry with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth:

Believe what youth tell you about themselves.

For I Was a Stranger

By Ethan Tan

On November 9, 2016, I rode the regional rail to my grad school class. People cried on the train, on the street, in class. Instead of the usual lecture and discussion on social policy, our professor presided over a group therapy session where we were all stupefied at the prospect of a Trump presidency.


By Amy Knorr

The miles on the GPS ticked down as we drove. I should have been happy. Fewer miles means closer to home, right? But somehow, the rolling numbers felt like the pull of a rope, slowly tugging my family out of the open pastures of vacation and back into the harness of everyday humdrum.

He Is Risen?

By Benjamin Capps

“He is risen,” cries the preacher, eliciting the nearly automatic and yet enthusiastic response: “He is risen, indeed, Alleluia!”

As someone who is tied into a more liturgical wing of the church, the Easter season is marked by its length.

Portrait of A Both Girl

By Katelyn Durst

I am not black.
I am not white.
I am somewhere between the ink and the page,
the word that is blurred      out.
I am not what you assume
She speaks Spanish…
can’t quite place her….

Celebration and Suffering

By Sarah Quezada

My cell phone rang while I was at work. I picked it up and closed my office door. “My mom called,” my fiancé Billy told me, his voice small and quiet. “She and my dad were denied visas for the wedding.”

I sat silently for a moment, stunned.

All Creation Praises God

By St. Francis of Assisi

Canticle of the Sun
by St. Francis of Assisi
Most high, all powerful, all good Lord!
All praise is Yours, all glory, all honor, and all blessing.

And We Thought We Left Race Behind?

By Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

American Christians in the Obama years half hoped we’d moved beyond race. Yes, the Civil Rights Movement was a moral cause, we told ourselves. But we have moved beyond that now. We took down the Whites Only signs, integrated the schools, and saw a black man rise to this nation’s highest office.

Rediscovering the Stranger Parts of the Bible

By Krish Kandiah

Once I received a card from a friend who miswrote a Bible reference. Instead of finding the encouragement that God is merciful to me as one of his own (1 Peter 2:10), I came face-to-face with the uncomfortable declaration that God will punish those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh (2 Peter 2:10).

A Rose in Bloom: A Review of "Worthy"

By Annika Evans

In an interview with Seventeen magazine, Storm Reid, who plays Meg in the recent film adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time, gives some advice to her fans. She says, “Be around people who empower you and lift you up and make you feel better about yourself.

Will the Poor Always Be With Us?

By Bryant Myers

One sometimes hears Christians, tired with the news of poverty and exploitation around the world, try to deflect the news by reminding us that Jesus said, “The poor will always be with you.” This is offered as a way to stop the conversation.