God’s Invitation to Welcome: Practicing Hospitality in a Divided World
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
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By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
By Katelyn Durst
This time my body will be the map. Each limb burning with the cities that left me breathless and
took the lights in my eyes and made them exit signs from or to the darkness
depending on which way you are going,
and I will follow.
By Gillian Marchenko
I drive out to the suburbs of Chicago for the trial. They administer a quick medical exam: blood pressure, urine sample, reflexes, nose, ears, deep breaths while a cold stethoscope pressed against my chest.
By Harold Dean Trulear
As a young adult Episcopalian, I was confronted by a graduate school colleague who asked me how I could stand to say the “same printed prayers every week.” After giving it some thought, I responded to my friend, “Baptists say the same prayers every week, too.
By Aimee Fritz
Author Brett McCracken posed a question on his blog, asking his readers “to think about what sorts of ‘knowledge groups,’ and in what proportion, feed a healthy life of true wisdom and true joy.” Brett summarized it like this:
Complied by CSA
“What would it mean if, instead of trying to explain the gospel in terms of our modern scientific culture, we tried to explain our culture in terms of the gospel?”
– Lesslie Newbigin
By Bret Kincaid
As you’re writing out your New Year’s resolutions, how about this one? Love your neighbor.
Perhaps you’ve already committed yourself to engage in public service this year. Still, I offer the following 10 suggestions to help us all live into the second greatest commandment—love your neighbor as yourself—in a year that will surely be full of political, economic, and other challenges.
By Jennifer Carpenter
Whether you gathered around to watch the “ball drop” or slept through the festivities, we have entered a new year with new challenges and new possibilities. Along with your list of resolutions of things to be or do in 2019, perhaps we can join together in praying this poem throughout the year.
By Elrena Evans
From the time he was a young teenager, Scott Morris felt the call to serve God through the church. “But the thought of preaching 52 sermons a year sent shivers down my spine,” Scott says.
By Charles Lattimore Howard
A sister’s brave alto solemnly washes over our heads from within the midst of our procession. The cool breeze on this hot Washington, DC day carries her words as she begins to sing louder, with a slight variation on the word “walk.”
By Melanie Springer Mock
When Paige Patterson made a “comeback sermon” last month at a church revival in Alabama, he chose to include body-shaming as a way to bring his listeners to Jesus. Patterson had been fired months earlier from his post as president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
From all of us at CSA!
By Makoto Fujimura
A teenage girl claims an angel told her she’d have a virgin birth. Her fiancé is hesitant to believe her. She gives birth in a stable. The people who come to visit are not family members but shepherds—the most humble people of the time, like today’s garbage collectors.
By David Schmidt
“Pray that your flight be not in the winter…”
It was dusk when I reached the Casa del Peregrino shelter in Mexico City, and the winter chill had already set in.
By Phileena Heuertz
Years ago, my friends Jeelan and Nazreen gave me the gift of physical sight. Jeelan was born into an Urdu-speaking folk Muslim family in the heart of South India’s Tamil Nadu. Nazreen was born into a progressive Pakistani-Malay Muslim family.
By Joe Tatum
Steve McQueen and Gillian Flynn’s new film Widows is equal parts character study, heist film, and political thriller. Based on the 1983 series of the same name, Widows centers on four women who become widowed after their partners die during a heist gone wrong.
By Karen González
Every year from December 16 to 24, Las Posadas begin in many Latin American countries and immigrant communities in the U.S. Roughly translated, posadas means “inn” or “shelter.” Las Posadas recalls the events in Luke’s Gospel leading up to Jesus’ birth.
CSA is a group of Christian scholar-activists, stirring the imagination for a fuller expression of Christian faithfulness and a more just society.
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