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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

When in Doubt, Reminisce

By Al Tizon
How can I believe in evangelism in this day and age? In light of my own journey to faith, how can I not?

How Can We Better Care for Our LGBTQ Sisters and Brothers?

By Matt

A look at what happens when we’re willing to be misunderstood for the sake of love

We were a dozen participants, united in professing Christian faith, but representing a variety of sexual orientations and theological positions on same-sex sexual relationships.

The Church’s “Third Rail” of Immigration

By Craig Wong
The political theater around the topic of immigration can best be described as painfully comic, especially in election seasons, as each candidate frets and spins in a clumsy attempt to communicate a coherent position.

Meeting Juan: Reexamining My Views on Immigration

By Charles Metcalf

It was a Tuesday night, and I found myself in a strange yet familiar place. I had been invited to attend a Bible study. Nothing new here. The unfamiliarity came from the fact that this Bible study was bilingual.

Between Two Worlds: Living with AIDS in the Church

By Margaret Kim Peterson

There is something in AIDS to offend everyone. Social conservatives are appalled by the sexual licentiousness that facilitates the spread of AIDS. Social liberals are dismayed that something as good as sex could possibly have fatal consequences.

The Unwanted Harvest: Reaching Out to AIDS Victims

By Ray Highfield

In the 1980s we started a ministry to educate the church about the deadly HIV virus. We provided care and housing for people with HIV and AIDS. We reached out to people where they were, sharing Jesus’ love with people we sometimes called the “unwanted harvest.” There are so many people who are hungry to hear about Christ’s love for them.

“Generous Spaciousness” by Wendy VanderWal-Gritter

Reviewed by Gabriel Blanchard

Wendy VanderWal-Gritter has spent more than 10 years leading New Directions Ministries, a Canadian group formerly under the umbrella of Exodus International. She and the ministry she leads have since moved out of an ex-gay paradigm.

Do I Have a Story?

By Joshua Gonnerman
A person’s story requires more than an understanding of what has happened up to this point. We also need a plot outline and trajectory, to help us sense how the rest of our lives might unfold.

Homosexuality and the Church: The Agenda of Unity in Christ

By Kathy Kwon

These days, I wonder about the possibility of certain theological disagreements in and of themselves being more “right” than any of their comprising opposing theological positions.

In other words, is theological disagreement always primarily about defending propositional truths?

Spirit of Truth, Come

By Shane Bauman

On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples that he would be leaving them soon. The news of Jesus’ upcoming departure upset his disciples, and I can imagine their concern.

Fighting the U.S. Caste Culture

An interview with Michelle Alexander
Denouncing our present system as “a caste-like system that locks millions of Americans into permanent second-class status,” Alexander marshals both hard data and human stories to advocate for laws that would reverse our country’s escalating prison population.