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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.
By Alexia Salvatierra
Immigrant churches fueled by reverse missionaries from the Global South are often vital and vibrant. Although they may not have a developed theology around justice,
By Phyllis Tickle
In a word, history. A new form of Christian ecclesiology, known today in all its many and varying presentations under the rubric of Emergence Christianity,
By Jon Weece
Our job description as followers of Jesus is to wash dirty feet. At the church where I serve, people see footwashing as a privilege—
By Maria-José Soerens
In 2013 the Senate passed a bipartisan bill for comprehensive immigration reform. However, the bill was stopped in the House when Speaker Boehner refused to bring it up for a vote, despite bipartisan support.
By Grace Sandra
I’m sitting on a double-decker, red-eye Megabus, Nashville bound, nonstop from Chicago. My friend bought me a ticket so I can join her at a retreat she created
By Jon M. Sweeney
I see in the church today a fresh sense of brokenness and uncertainty, a people who remember the hegemony of the past and the power-broking position
By Sarah Bessey
If I am intentional about holding space for the stories of pain and despair and wounding, I am also intentional about holding space for the hope and the victory.
By Jonathan W. Hancock
In 2000, I sat down and calculated how much my wife, Beverly, and I had earned since our marriage in 1986. I found we were approaching a million dollars in earnings, with a shared average annual income of $63,000.
By Ken Pettigrew
When I look at the church today, what gives me hope is a renewed emphasis on the centrality of the Lord’s Table in worship. Our culture is fragmented by racial,
By Jon Sweeney
You have to slow down if you want to be caring. St. Francis was careful with human beings, but his practice, of course, went way beyond people. His reputation as the “environmental saint” is well deserved, based upon nearly one hundred stories from his life.
By Ken Wilson
When I look at the church, what gives me hope?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer complained that the Protestant mainliners he met in the United States during his visit to Union Theological Seminary were light on theology and preoccupied with defining themselves as “not those fundamentalists.” Something analogous could be said for evangelicals whose identity is tied up in not being (or worse, becoming) ‘those liberal Protestants.’ I’m hopeful that this old narrative, a cheap form of tribal identity in both groups, is losing power.
By Rachel Parker
Many of us, as individuals, know that God has called us to serve the poor and homeless in our communities. Some of our favorite biblical texts are Matthew 25:40 (“… Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me”) and Isaiah 61: 1-3 (“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, … to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit”).
By Jonathan Partridge
Musalaha helps Christians in the Holy Land tread the road to reconciliation.
By Kristyn Komarnicki
While rarely front and center in media coverage of all things green, people of color are an essential and growing part of the environmental movement. Meet three people—a journalist, a scientist, and a leadership developer—who are leading the charge.
By Kristyn Komarnicki
While rarely front and center in media coverage of all things green, people of color are an essential and growing part of the environmental movement. Meet three people—a journalist, a scientist, and a leadership developer—who are leading the charge.
By Kristyn Komarnicki
While rarely front and center in media coverage of all things green, people of color are an essential and growing part of the environmental movement. Meet three people—a journalist, a scientist, and a leadership developer—who are leading the charge.
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