#100days: What Are Your Hopes for the New Administration?

In light of the current struggles in our nation, including the pandemic and the tumult of the election and transition seasons, we want to make clear our commitment to hold the Biden Administration accountable, especially for the concerns we think are closest to Jesus’ heart.

Faith-Rooted Civil Resistance

Questions for Christians
Why is nonviolent struggle an essential part of pursuing racial justice?How do nonviolent movements for racial justice fit within our participation in the mission of God?How does the gospel connect nonviolent movements for racial progress and Christian faithfulness?

Immigrants and Refugees

Questions for Christians

Why does God care so much about immigrants?
What does justice look like for these “strangers” among us?
What do immigrants have to do with me, and what difference could I possibly make in the lives of displaced people?

God & Politics

Questions for Christians
Why should my faith have anything to do with my politics?What would it look like to let Christ be Lord of my politics?How should biblical teaching inform my politics?
Although most people never think about it concretely, every person has some baseline principles that guide their political judgments.

The Immigrants’ Creed

Excerpt from The Book of Common Worship, 2018 Edition
I believe in Almighty God,
who guided the people in exile and in exodus,
the God of Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon,
the God of foreigners and immigrants.

Nikki Toyama‑Szeto

As an experienced speaker, writer, and trainer, Nikki pulls from her experiences as a leader in organizations like Christians for Social Action, International Justice Mission, the Urbana Conference, and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

Nikki writes and speaks on faith, justice, leadership, gender issues and racial justice.