Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Racism: Thinking Strategically About Disrupting Racist Systems

You want to fight racism but don’t know where to start.

  • How do we break down such a huge social problem into manageable goals?
  • How can we think practically and strategically about confronting racist systems?

Join Andre Henry, program manager for CSA’s Racial Justice Institute, for an hour-long conversation on how to make real progress toward racial justice, with Zach Hoover,* executive director of LA Voice, a multi-racial/faith community organization that awakens people to their own power, training them to speak, act, and work together to create a society that reflects the dignity of all people.

*Rev. Zach Hoover is the executive director of LA Voice, serves on the LA County Probation Commission, is a deacon at First Baptist Church Pasadena, and is in his 15th year with Faith in Action (formerly PICO Nat’l Network). He holds a Master of Divinity from Harvard and is ordained in the American Baptist Church. Zach first learned organizing from Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico. Since joining LA Voice, he has led organizing campaigns that have dismantled unfair car impound policies targeting immigrants, increased access to groceries in food deserts, increased public accountability for reinvestment by major financial institutions, increased voter participation in communities of color, removed obstacles to employment for formerly incarcerated Angelenos, and bridged gaps between communities divided by race, class and geography.

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