Church + Race = Not So Much Hope…

When I look at the church, what gives me hope?
When I look at the church today I am sad, hurt, angry, and confused. We say we want to be bold, to proclaim Christ’s love, grace, forgiveness, and truth to the world. We say the world needs Jesus. We say the church is open to all. But I’m beginning to think that when it comes down to it, we just want to be safe. I look at the church and I see too many of my black and brown sisters and brothers in deep pain. I see too many of my white sisters and brothers proclaiming a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” gospel that I cannot find in my Bible. I see too many of my Asian American brothers and sisters nodding their heads in silent agreement as they chase the American dream. I see too many of my Native sisters and brothers pushed to the margins because that is where they were left to be forgotten generations ago.

Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, but today we seem so afraid to acknowledge that our histories are different, even if we believe in the same Jesus. Different isn’t wrong. Indifferent? Now that is wrong.

Kathy Khang serves as a regional multiethnic ministries director with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF)/USA. She is one of the authors of More Than Serving Tea: Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership and Faith (InterVarsity Press, 2006). Learn more at her blog.

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