Sanctuary as kinship: A biblical reflection
The story of undocumented immigrants and refugees in the U.S. includes the rich tradition of churches and other groups offering sanctuary—a practice of providing protection from arrest and deportation for vulnerable immigrants, and often, cocreating a community of belonging.
This practice relies on the “sensitive locations” policy of the Department of Homeland Security, which historically limited immigration agents from entering places essential to well-being—such as places of worship, schools, and medical facilities. Christians have leaned on this policy to offer protection and a sense of home in their churches and community spaces.
However, on January 21st, 2025, the Trump Administration adjusted the policy, effectively enabling ICE officers to make arrests in or near places of worship (pending approval by Assistant Field Office Directors). As a result, many undocumented immigrants have stopped attending their cherished worship spaces in person.
In response, 27 Christian and Jewish groups filed a legal challenge in federal court. This month, the judge ruled in their favor, overriding the new policy in the 1,400 places of worship represented by these groups.
Nonetheless, Trump’s directive has had a chilling effect. Many religious communities are now uncertain whether they can offer sanctuary, and the future viability of sanctuary in worship spaces remains unclear.
It is timely, then, to revisit Scripture’s call upon the church in relation to undocumented immigrants—and to wrestle with the tensions that arise when government directives clash with biblical ethics.
Kelsi Corkran, lead counsel for the groups challenging the directive, stated, “The plaintiffs joined the suit because their Scripture, teaching, and traditions offer irrefutable unanimity on their religious obligation to embrace and serve the refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants in their midst without regard to documentation or legal status.”
Corkran’s choice of words—embrace and serve—is striking. “Embrace” evokes familial connection, enfolding one another as kin. “Serve” suggests humility and mutuality, not charity. For the groups she represents, sanctuary is the service we owe one another as family.
Sanctuary and Scripture: A legacy of sacred hospitality
This call arises directly from Scripture. The Lord commands ancient Israel: “You shall… love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 10:19).
Here, “love” comes from the language of ancient covenants—a term implying steadfast solidarity, a lifelong commitment to another’s flourishing. It’s also deeply familial. Ancient kings even used family metaphors to describe relationships between one another.
But why should God’s people “love the stranger”? Deuteronomy gives a clear answer: because the Lord loves the stranger (Deut. 10:18). Let that sink in—our God, the Father of Jesus Christ, loves the vulnerable immigrant seeking a home. This is a covenantal, familial love. And those who claim to follow this God are called to love in the same way.
The biblical call to kinship with those seeking a home is embodied in the work of Kinbrace Community Society, a Canadian organization birthed out of the church where I once pastored in Vancouver. Kinbrace offers housing and support for refugee claimants during their claims process. Its name—Kinbrace—beautifully combines the ideas of embrace and kinship. At Kinbrace, shared meals and long conversations foster a genuine sense of mutual community.
It’s worth noting that when churches offer sanctuary, they often reference the Old Testament command to designate six “cities of refuge” (Numbers 35:9–15; Deuteronomy 19:1–13). These cities provided protection for people who had accidentally caused another’s death, shielding them from retribution. The idea of a “city of refuge” paints a powerful picture of the church as a harbor of safety.
Yet, in my view, a stronger foundation for Christian sanctuary is the biblical ethic of kinship—of embracing people as family, just as Corkran describes.
When obedience collides: Navigating law and loyalty to Christ
Still, a difficult question remains: if the state determines to deport a group of people, isn’t it the church’s responsibility to comply?
Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, argues, “This is not a matter of religious freedom. There is no right to openly violate the law and disobey law enforcement.”
This line of reasoning often invokes Paul’s words from Romans 13: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established…” (Rom. 13:1–4).(1)
So how do we move forward? How do we, in Kristin Heyer’s words, “negotiate tensions between discipleship and citizenship”?(2)
Often, we can offer sanctuary within the bounds of the law. But what if protecting immigrants facing deportation becomes illegal? Should we interpret Paul’s instruction as absolute?
New Testament scholar James Dunn reminds us that Paul’s call for political quietism came in a context of political powerlessness.(3)
And importantly, Romans 13 follows chapter 12, where Paul urges believers to weep with those who weep (12:15), associate with the lowly (12:16), and feed your enemies (12:20).
Even Jesus disobeyed the laws of the land when they conflicted with mercy and justice—especially on behalf of those in need (Matthew 12:1–14).
Our hope and prayer is that Christians can remain faithful to the biblical calling to protect vulnerable immigrants while also living in peace with the law. And we hope that the law itself might reflect God’s heart—that together we would “love the stranger.”
Yet even as we wait in hope, we must remain alert. “Sensitive locations” like places of worship may continue to draw scrutiny from immigration agencies. If so, Christians may need to find other creative ways to enfold those who have made a home in our neighborhoods—embracing them not as strangers, but as kin.
(2) Kristin E. Heyer, Kinship Across Borders (Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012), 52.
Dr Mark R. Glanville works as Director of the Centre for Missional Leadership, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Mark has cowritten Refuge Reimagined: Biblical Kinship in Global Politics with Luke Glanville. His most recent book is Preaching in a New Key: Crafting Expository Sermons in Post-Christian Neighborhoods, and he hosts the Blue Note Theology podcast.