An Invitation to Go Deeper: Mark Labberton and Nikki Toyama-Szeto

In early 2021, CSA Executive Director Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Fuller Theological Seminary president Mark Labberton spoke on the changing state of American evangelicalism. This presentation was part of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities’ online conference, “Faithful Leadership: Race, Politics & Evangelicalism in America.”

“Evangelicalism is paddling in the shallows … but Jesus invites us into the deep.”

Nikki opens her portion of the presentation with a meditation exercise that offers tremendous calm ahead of a fraught conversation. Nikki’s talk, which begins at 21:54 in the above video, draws biblical wisdom to bear on questions of how evangelicalism can overcome a culture of shallow responses to the successive crises of racial violence and an unraveling of our social and political fabric.

This invitation to live prophetically is as relevant today as we close out AAPI Heritage month as it was in the face of the rash of anti-Asian violence that made the news in early 2021.

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Christian Nationalism: A Mission Field or an Enemy?

By Caleb Campbell

This is excerpted from Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor, by Caleb Campbell.
For me one of the most painful revelations of 2020 was that many within the American church were not placing their ultimate hope in Jesus but were instead buying the false promises of Christian nationalism—a movement that calls Christian followers to take government power at all costs to advance their preferred way of being in the world.