Tent of Nations: People Building Bridges

Image Courtesy Churches for Middle East Peace

The organic farm on which the Tent of Nations project runs is known as “Daher’s Vineyard.” Owned by the Nassar family, this land stretches 100 acres, and is situated 9 kilometers southwest of Bethlehem. Since 1991, the Nassar family has been fighting a legal battle to keep hold of the land, since it was classified as “Israeli State Land” and thus threatened with confiscation. The struggle is ongoing. However, with a commitment to peaceful resistance and through the solidarity of those who have visited the land, much has been achieved. Tent of Nations continues to work to protect and develop the farm as a place where people can meet, learn, work together, and inspire one another.

Painted on a stone as you enter, in several languages, their motto states: “We refuse to be enemies.” In a land where walls are built and lines are drawn and redrawn, the work of Tent of Nations is transformational. Tent of Nations offers a voice that is critical to the discussion for peace and justice in the Middle East.

This short interview with Daoud Nassar gives a good picture of what Tent of Nations is all about:

Dear God,

We lift up to you Daoud Nasser, the Nassar Family Farm, and peacebuilding ministry of Tent of Nations. We pray for the ongoing legal battle that the Nasser family may maintain their land. May their ministry continue to build bridges across cultures, across conflict, across countries, and transform the hearts and minds of those who visit. May the Nasser Family Farm experience fruitful harvests this year, supporting their ongoing work and affirming their commitment to cultivate the land. We pray Daoud’s upcoming speaking tour in the US will serve as an encouragement to his ministry as well as an encouragement to all who hear his story to engage in peacebuilding efforts locally, in Israel, Palestine, and beyond. May peace prevail.


This article originally appeared at Prayers for the Holy Land,  Churches for Middle East Peace. Churches for Middle East Peace supports Tent of Nations’ mission to build bridges between people. CMEP is currently hosting conversations with Daoud Nassar in cities across the US—this is a great opportunity to hear directly about his experience and the work of Tent of Nations. For more information and specific locations, please visit Churches for Middle East Peace.

Would you like to spend Christmas in the Holy Land?

CSA’s Micky ScottBey Jones is coordinating the Sumud Freedom Tour, in partnership with Holy Land Trust and Nonviolence International. From December 21st through January 3rd, an intimate delegation of people interested in faith-rooted activism will travel to Israel/Palestine to spend time co-learning about different justice issues worldwide, strategic building across movements, and participation in nonviolent solidarity actions.

This tour will provide you with an opportunity to develop deeper understandings of justice in a multi-faith, multi-ethnic, multi-racial and multi-struggle context. Do you want to connect with international organizations, broaden your work abroad, and deepen your relationship with the work of CSA? Sign up today!

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