Video: What Does Revolutionary Love Look Like?

As Christians, we follow the teachings of Jesus who repeatedly told us to love each other, love our neighbors, and love even our enemies. When we pursue a life that makes radical love visible, on earth as it is in heaven, our actions are marked and defined by love. Listen to this important message by ESA Racial Justice Fellow Micky ScottBey Jones as she explores the importance of revolutionary love and asks us to “put love back into the center of our movements for justice.”

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Step Up and Change the World: An Interview with Michael Waters

By Micky ScottBey Jones
Michael W. Waters is a pastor and activist in Dallas, TX and the author of the book Stakes is High. In addition to reviewing the book, I wanted to chat with Michael because in reading the book, I immediately felt a kinship with him—we are of the same generation and connect to both culture and faith as a source of identity and activism.