The Immigration Debate: Can the Bible Help?

By M. Daniel Carroll Rodas
The issues surrounding the immigration debate are complex and ongoing. The United States was founded by immigrants, and many can point to ancestors from Europe, Asia, or Africa who reached these shores in the last 250 years.
Three Surprising Things I Learned About US Immigration From a DACA Dreamer

By Kristyn Komarnicki
At the launch of CSA’s PrayforDREAMers campaign last month, when DACA recipient Vanessa Upegui-Seel spoke at Eastern University about her experience as an undocumented immigrant who was bought to the US at the age of 12, I learned three things I hadn’t known before:
The Church’s “Third Rail” of Immigration

By Craig Wong
The political theater around the topic of immigration can best be described as painfully comic, especially in election seasons, as each candidate frets and spins in a clumsy attempt to communicate a coherent position.
Meeting Juan: Reexamining My Views on Immigration

By Charles Metcalf
It was a Tuesday night, and I found myself in a strange yet familiar place. I had been invited to attend a Bible study. Nothing new here. The unfamiliarity came from the fact that this Bible study was bilingual.
Immigration and the Imago Dei

By Nicole Morgan
On January 30th the House Republican leadership released a one-page document with standards for immigration reform. The document has been met with some hope for a workable compromise between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of immigration reform.
God’s Invitation to Welcome: Practicing Hospitality in a Divided World

By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Welcoming immigrants and refugees isn’t just an act of kindness—it’s an act of faith, revealing Jesus in the process.
The Necessity of Nearness: A Review of the Documentary “Leap of Faith”

By Kristyn Komarnicki
Love in the midst of discomfort
Love your God, love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets rest on these two commands…
Leap of Faith is a full-length documentary from Nicholas Ma and Morgan Neville (Won’t You Be My Neighbor?) featuring pastors who commit to meeting for a year to look for a path to unity in the midst of polarized times.
If Christian Means ‘Like Christ,’ Why Aren’t Christians Like Jesus?

By Mars Adema
If Christ is our model as Christians, then why don’t our lives look like his?
I was spiritually formed in my Christian faith within the lap of luxury, but I was unaware of it at the time.
Nikki Toyama‑Szeto

As an experienced speaker, writer, and trainer, Nikki pulls from her experiences as a leader in organizations like Christians for Social Action, International Justice Mission, the Urbana Conference, and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
Nikki writes and speaks on faith, justice, leadership, gender issues and racial justice.
Nikki Toyama‑Szeto
As an experienced speaker, writer, and trainer, Nikki pulls from her experiences as a leader in organizations like Christians for Social Action, International Justice Mission, the Urbana Conference, and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
Nikki writes and speaks on faith, justice, leadership, gender issues and racial justice.