Director of Dialogue and Convening

Kristyn Komarnicki

Kristyn is director of dialogue and convening at CSA. The creator of our Oriented to Love dialogues about sexual/gender diversity in the church, Kristyn gathers Christians of different sexual orientations, gender identities, and theological convictions together so they can begin to know, understand, and love each other, in search of a unity that is deeper than agreement. Fascinated and encouraged by what happens when we approach our “other” in the posture of a learner—with vulnerability, bravery, curiosity and humility—Kristyn enjoys helping people have more generative conversations, reframing conflict not as something to be feared or avoided but as an opportunity for maturing in Christ. A xenophile who loves to travel and swap stories with people from around the world, Kristyn has studied, worked, and raised kids on three continents, having made a home in Paris, Toronto, and Hong Kong. Today she lives in Philadelphia with her husband of 35 years.

Kristyn bw
Kristyn’s speaking topics include:
  • Crossing the Divide: How to have–and survive–difficult conversations with those who disagree with us
  • Oriented to Love: What it means to seek unity that is deeper than agreement
  • Declaration of Interdependence: Why the Body of Christ needs all its members
Here’s some of the feedback Kristyn has received from her presentations/consulting:
"Kristyn brought a wealth of resources to us during her recent trip to our university. She provided small-group presentations to specific campus groups as well as a keynote address. In her work, Kristyn demonstrated a keen ability to help people with varied theological perspectives to come together and engage in respectful and loving dialogue. She is a bridge-builder, and she helped us to understand the Kingdom value of listening to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. We believe that her visit will have a lasting effect as we aim to take the knowledge we have gained and put it into meaningful practice."
Christina Schnyders
Associate Professor, Faculty Chair of Counseling & Human Development Department, Malone University in Canton, OH
"Kristyn delivered a beautiful Sunday morning sermon that cast a compelling vision for interdependency in the body of Christ. Then she illustrated the point by hosting a dialogue that included Christians who were queer and straight and traditional and progressive in their ethics. The dialogue was a groundbreaking, Kingdom-advancing moment for our church and for others in the broader community. Tears were shed on the left and on the right. I spoke with numerous individuals in attendance who had not set foot in the institutional church for years, having given up on the possibility that the church could be a place of loving, honest encounter. I heartily commend Kristyn as a gracious faith-leader who is a trustworthy and skillful practitioner of the untapped power of dialogue in the midst of real differences.”
Brad Wong
Lead Pastor at the River Church Community in San Jose, CA

If your organization is in need of a speaker, please contact us!

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