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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Fasting, Justice, and the Heart of Lent

By Laurie Nichols

Lent has been around for centuries, dating back to the Early Church. It’s a 40-day season of reflection, repentance, and renewal, modeled after Jesus’ time fasting in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). At its core, Lent is about making space—letting go of distractions so we can refocus on what really matters: God’s love, justice, and the hope of resurrection.

Lenten Devotion: I Will Not Be Shamed

By Sharon Watkins and Richard H. Lowery

Read Isaiah 50:4–9a.
“The Lord God helps me… / I know that I shall not be put to shame.”

Today’s reading is from the third of the so-called “servant songs” in the portion of the book scholars call “Second Isaiah.” The songs are reflections on the experiences of a “servant,” often clearly identified as Israel as a whole, but sometimes apparently referring to some sub-group or individual among the exiles in Babylonia.

A Prayer for Our Country

By R. Maurice Boyd
O Thou who art as the shadow of a mighty rock in a weary land,
Comfort our distraught, distracted, and bewildered Nation.
Enable us to discern Thy judgements and Thy grace in the distress, confusion, and anxiety of our time.

The Woman Under the Palm Tree

By Jenny Rae Armstrong

I was nine years old when it happened, peering out the window of our second-story apartment in Monrovia, Liberia. The multiplex we lived in was in a good area, popular with internationals; the families on the top story were from India, the Peace Corps volunteers across the hall were American like us, and Mrs.

A Conversation Worth Having

By Jan Johnson

Imagine three women standing in a town square, facing each other and reflecting on the current Middle East situation. These three women have just come from their respective places of worship. The oldest woman is Sarah, a Hebrew woman, the wife of Abraham, and matriarch to Isaac and Jacob.

Lenten Devotion: Jesus Heals the…

By Sharon Watkins and Richard H. Lowery

Read Luke 7:1–10.
“A centurion there had a slave…”

People of the United States* reading this passage need to stutter at the word slave, a reminder of our own horrific national history.

Why I’m Not So Thrilled About Madonna’s Recent Adoption

By Lyndsay Mathews

Scrolling through Facebook these days can be a dangerous venture. And let’s not even talk about reading the actual news. With all the disheartening stories in the cycle, one would think the news about Madonna’s recent adoption of twin girls from Malawi would be uplifting, not discouraging.


By Laura Coulter

Every Saturday, by the highway near Wal-Mart,
you see him standing there alone.
Not much to notice about him,
nothing leaps to the eye.
Wiry hair gray as storm clouds.

The Kingdom of Heaven Starts at Home: Confronting Christian Male-Identified Privilege and Violence

By Derek Minno-Bloom

If the revolution doesn’t start at home, it will never last outside of the home. I kept thinking this during the worldwide Women’s March on January 21st, 2017. I was radically inspired and empowered by the intersectional visions and politics of the Women’s March organizers, and it became clear to me that it is time for male-identified Christian activists to bring the kingdom of heaven here on earth, and at home, by taking up intersectional feminism.

Believing That We Need Each Other

By Craig Wong

To those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind…so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift…God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Loving the Other

By Molly Lorden

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. Proverbs 10:12

January 20, 2017 was an immense day of change for our country. For me, it carried additional significance, as it was also the day I returned from my first trip to the Holy Land.

A Glimpse Beyond: Review of Moonlight

By Darren Calhoun

Compassion calls us to enter into the pain of another. We most often do that through story, sometimes real and sometimes fictional. A film like Moonlight offers a rare opportunity to enter into the complexities of boys becoming men as they struggle to find acceptance, intimacy, and identity.

Sex, Lies, and Community

By Tim Otto

“…one of the greatest political contributions Christians can make to any social order in which they find themselves is to tell the truth and to be capable of receiving the truth.”

– Theologian Stanley Hauerwas, on Dietrich Bonhoeffer

How about this for a practice run?