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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.
By Michelle Ferrigno Warren
Injustice is not okay. In recent years, people have been waking up, some for the first time, to the reality that systems do not work for everyone, that elections are important, and that leadership is needed to unite a divided people.
By Dr. Margaret Kim Peterson
Originally published January 27, 2017
Has anyone—a family member, a friend, a pastor, a doctor—ever asked you this question? Have you ever initiated a conversation with someone else about what your wishes are for the end of your life, or what their wishes are for the end of theirs?
By Love Sechrest
Reading with an eye toward questions of race relations and gender arrangements will inevitably involve having our eyes drawn to the situations, stories, and characters in the biblical texts that depict intergroup conflict and those that feature women.
By Christine Sine
In Norman Wirzba’s wonderful book Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating he comments: “Eating is about extending hospitality and making room for others to find life by sharing in our own….
By Melanie Springer Mock
My first encounter with Christian celebrity occurred in 1983, when Tony Campolo preached to a humid Lehigh University gymnasium packed with Mennonite teens. I already knew Campolo’s sermons, having listened to them on tape cassettes my parents played during road trips.
By Anna Redsand
Originally published 16 February 2021
A Review of Decolonizing Evangelicalism by Randy S. Woodley and Bo C. Sanders
Shortly before he passed on, my friend, Diné (Navajo) scholar Larry Emerson, said to me, “You should write about decolonizing Christianity.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Rich Villodas
To read a transcript of this episode, click here.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Kristyn Komarnicki
Season 1, Episode 9
Rerun: Season 6, Episode 11.
This week, Nikki Toyama-Szeto talks with Kristyn Komarnicki (CSA’s Director of Dialogue & Convening / Program Manager for Oriented to Love) about practical tips for transforming conflict through curiosity.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Ron Sider
To read a transcript of this episode, click here.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Brandi Miller
To read a transcript of this episode, click here.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Candice Benbow
To read a transcript of this episode, click here.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Jenny Yang
For a transcript of the episode, click here.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Cole Arthur Riley
To read a transcript of this episode, click here.
With Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Drew Jackson
To read the transcript of this episode, click here.
By Natalia Kohn, Nemi Vega Quiñones, and Kristy Garza Robinson
Originally published January 15, 2019
Esther was a Jewish woman being raised by a cousin named Mordecai. The Jews were an ethnic minority community displaced and dispersed all over the provinces of King Xerxes of Persia.
By Liz Cooledge Jenkins
In a church I used to attend, a sermon series through Paul’s letters to the Thessalonian church landed us one Sunday morning in 2 Thessalonians 3:10: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat’” (NIV).
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