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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

New Directions for Aimless Christian Politics

By Mark Glanville

Many Christians feel lost at sea this election. For some, the traditional loyalties that previously anchored them have been severed. Many feel thrown off-course, with no obvious way forward.

Perhaps this disorientation is prompting Christians to inquire anew into how the Bible engages American society.

I See You

By Elrena Evans

The week school began this year, I was chatting with one of the therapists at my son’s elementary school. She asked who his teacher was for second grade, and when I told her, she smiled.

Into Temptation

By Jon Carlson

“What makes the temptation of power so seemingly irresistible? Maybe it is that power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love. It seems easier to be God than to love God, easier to control people than to love people, easier to own life than to love life…”

– Henri Nouwen

People often talk about how difficult a life in politics can be.

Is Christian Weight Loss a Prosperity Gospel?

By Amanda Martinez Beck

The idea that it is the will of God for us to be healthy, wealthy, and successful is at the heart of the prosperity gospel. Preachers of this gospel lay out what needs to be done—how much money needs to be given, what we need to “name and claim” for ourselves—so that our lives reflect this supposed will of God.

Weep with Me

By Zakiya Jackson
Who will weep with me
I can feel the ancestors hoping
dripping with blood fervor anticipation…

Pre-Election 2016 Fasting and Prayer Guide

By Jennifer Carpenter

This fasting and prayer guide is a simple, non-comprehensive resource to use with your community to help focus minds and hearts on the greatest commandment for all Christians: Love God and love your neighbor.

The High Cost of Dividing the Nation

By Emily Jones

The morning after the Democratic National Convention, in my daily devotional, I arrived at 1 Kings 3:16-28. This passage tells the story of the newly-crowned King, Solomon. Solomon is approached by two women, both prostitutes.

The Fallacies of Neoliberal Protest

By Russell Rickford
Sisters and brothers: I’m delighted that you are mobilizing. Your demonstration reflects your recognition that the escalating crisis of racial terrorism requires a firm and uncompromising response.

Stepping off the Sidelines at the Presidential Debates

By Nikki Toyama-Szeto

After the kids are tucked into bed, I will fix a salty snack and settle into my favorite chair in front of the TV. On the agenda—watching the presidential debates.

Through the summer, I watched the conventions out of curiosity and for the fun of it.  

Video: What Does Revolutionary Love Look Like?

Featuring Micky ScottBey Jones

As Christians, we follow the teachings of Jesus who repeatedly told us to love each other, love our neighbors, and love even our enemies. When we pursue a life that makes radical love visible, on earth as it is in heaven, our actions are marked and defined by love.

#BlackLivesMatter: Debunking 10 Myths

By Leroy Barber

by Leroy Barber
You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.

#BlackLivesMatter: Debunking 10 Myths

By Leroy Barber
My heart dropped as I watched the face of Michael Brown’s mother and listened to her screams as she looked upon her son lying in the street, not being allowed to approach his body.

The Foundations of America’s “Greatness”

By Mark Charles

The challenge with Donald Trump is that he understands all too well what made America “great.” And this has presented a problem for the Republican Party, and now, with his nomination, will cause a problem for the entire country.

Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party

Reviewed by Shannon Beeby
Set in in the microcosm of a pool party for the teenage son of a Midwestern megachurch pastor, Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party takes a macrocosmic look at the questions and concerns that confront many faith communities.

Evangelical—When a Good Word Goes Bad

By Carolyn Custis James

Anyone who has a finger on the pulse of American evangelicalism has to be wondering if the patient will survive.

During the current presidential election cycle, American evangelicalism has suffered what may prove to be a potentially lethal setback at the hands of a few evangelical leaders.