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Subscribe to the CSA Newsletter
CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Fasting, Justice, and the Heart of Lent

By Laurie Nichols

Lent has been around for centuries, dating back to the Early Church. It’s a 40-day season of reflection, repentance, and renewal, modeled after Jesus’ time fasting in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). At its core, Lent is about making space—letting go of distractions so we can refocus on what really matters: God’s love, justice, and the hope of resurrection.

Sojourners on Earth, Citizens in Heaven: A 9/11 Reflection 20 Years Later

By Christina Ray Stanton

Our boat pushed off, and I let out a deep sigh of relief. As we set sail across the Hudson River, I could see dozens of others—commuter ferries, fishing boats, dinner cruise ships, party boats, tugboats—rushing to rescue the thousands of people who, like us, had survived but been trapped by debris from the burning, crumbling Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.

In Praise of Skepticism and Discomfort: A Review of “How to Have an Enemy”

By Ryan Groff

How to Have an Enemy: Righteous Anger & The Work of Peace by Rev. Melissa Florer-Bixler is a sermon. Like a good sermon it encourages skepticism and ensures discomfort.

As an elder-Millennial like me might say, this sermon teaches listeners “how to enemy.” We have tried to raise our children with similar instructions on when anger and hate are appropriate and when they are not.

A Prayer for and of the Church

By Myrto Theocharous

Our Father of our crucified and resurrected Christ,
We gather together to seek You,
not of our own initiative but because of the call of Your Spirit in our hearts,
the Spirit that reveals to Your worldwide church that Your will is not yet being done on earth as it is in heaven.

A Testimony that Hurts and Heals: A Review of “Pray Away”

By Tim Otto

In these divided times, as many of us double down in our ideological camps, the new movie Pray Away (Netflix) offers a refreshing alternative by portraying people who not only realize they’ve been terribly wrong but who are also willing to admit it publicly.

Understanding the Promised Land of the Bible

By Jennifer Maidrand

“God blesses those who bless Israel.”

“The land and people of Israel are blessed.”

“Israel is the Promised Land of the Bible being fulfilled today.”

If you identify as Christian, it is likely that you have heard these claims at some point or another.

Demand an End to Vaccine Apartheid 

Our friends at Public Citizen have drafted this petition, demanding immediate action from world leaders to end vaccine apartheid. We encourage you to sign your name to the petition to President Biden.

Demanding Immediate Action from the Biden Administration to End Vaccine Apartheid 

Dear President Biden,

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive loss worldwide, but the harms have not been equally distributed.

Managing Privilege

From Robot Hugs

All of us have areas of privilege. This helpful infographic allows us to use our privilege in responsible ways.