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Subscribe to the CSA Newsletter
CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Fasting, Justice, and the Heart of Lent

By Laurie Nichols

Lent has been around for centuries, dating back to the Early Church. It’s a 40-day season of reflection, repentance, and renewal, modeled after Jesus’ time fasting in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). At its core, Lent is about making space—letting go of distractions so we can refocus on what really matters: God’s love, justice, and the hope of resurrection.

People of Color: You DO Own Your Own Story

By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Saying “No” is okay. This is the phrase I repeatedly tell myself after receiving another invitation by a Christian leader to join a group of people talking about race.

Why I Protest

By Autumn Dennis
The night before the verdict came down in the trial of Jason Stockley, I had a prophetic dream. I had a dream that I was on the streets of Nashville, protesting as I had done dozens and dozens of times before.

Challenging Racism: The Brown Church

By Robert Chao Romero

I’m Spanish.
My family is from Spain.
We’re from Peru, but my husband is Italian.
I’m a norteño; I’m not an Indian from southern Mexico.
She has “bad hair.”
Marry someone lighter than you, pa’ que mejorar la raza.

Being the Church, Outside the Church

By Nikki Toyama-Szeto

Just before Memorial Day weekend, President Trump called for the opening of churches and other houses of worship. And much as I long to be able to attend church again, that made my heart sink.

Webinar: Leading Your Church Through Grief and Loss

Featuring Francesca Nuzzolese

Leading Your Church through Grief and Loss from Evangelicals for Social Action on Vimeo.

Accompanying individuals and congregations in the process of grief and bereavement is one of the most important dimensions of pastoral ministry.

Resilient or Stubborn?

By Craig Wong

In a recent conversation among leaders of the church, a pastor offered an observation that has stayed with me. The topic of our conversation was about preaching resurrection hope amid a pandemic.

The Futility of Lent

By Elrena Evans

Originally published Mar 1, 2017 

The alarm clock rings early, and I am still asleep when it rings—an oddity, for an erstwhile early riser. But I am full from stacks of pancakes and fastnachts consumed last night at our church’s Shrove Tuesday celebration, and the surfeit of starch makes me sleepy.