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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

Can I Be Black and Christian?

By Micky ScottBey Jones

After the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012, I was forever changed. Nothing could remain the same—not my mothering, not my relationships, not my faith. I needed more than The Power of a Praying Wife.

Living a Theology of Contrast Instead of Opposition

By Bridget Eileen Rivera

Originally published Jul 27, 2020 

I’ve been thinking a lot about “positions” lately and what it even means to hold a position.

When people ask about my “position” on “homosexuality,” it’s rarely in the interest of broadening their own perspective, understanding my own, or (God forbid) adjusting their beliefs.

How Parents Can Use the Bible to Equip Kids for the Work of Justice

By Sarah Driver

“Sorry kid, life’s not fair.”May we never again say that to a child.Children have a wonderful, natural instinct toward fairness and justice–and so often we caregivers squash it with phrases like that.How we nurture their instincts shapes their ability to discern and do the work of justice.

A Prayer for LGBTQ Youth Prayer Day

June 30 is the National Day of Prayer for LGBTQ+ Youth, when people from across faith traditions will unite to pray for the safety, well-being, and flourishing of LGBTQIA+ youth. Will you pray with us?

The Worst Famine Today Is Largely Out of Sight, Out of Mind

By Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon and Dr. Benjamin Norquist

One of the most devastating food crises in the world is mainly out-of-sight-out-of-mind for Americans. Most Americans probably could not easily find Yemen on a map, let alone know about the devastating impact of ongoing war and civil violence.

As Ron Would Say, “People Need Jesus and a Job”

By Shane Claiborne

Originally published Nov 22, 2022

I first met Ron at Eastern Univeristy—he was at the seminary and I was fresh out of the East Tennessee Bible belt.  I arrived at Eastern with a very open mind, but new to connecting my faith to the bigger social issues and questions of how to address poverty.

What the Bible Says About Hunger

By Nancy Neal

“This is my body, broken for you. This is the cup of the new covenant, sealed in my blood, shed for the forgiveness of sins.”

As Christians, we say some version of these words as we gather around a table to remember Jesus’ saving death and resurrection.

Why Racial Solidarity Is the Only Way to Conquer Racism

By Terrence Lester

Racial justice and racial reconciliation are two distinct conversations that many White Christians conflate into one. The leap straight to racial reconciliation leaves out how a White supremacist system created the oppressive structures that disadvantage many people of color today.

How Hunger Hides on College Campuses in the U.S.

By Julie Golingan Roberts

Many people will fondly remember the summer of 2021 as their “hot-vaxxed summer”: COVID-19 vaccines became more widely available, and thus a semblance of freedom and fun not felt for over a year was finally within reach.

Poverty, Wealth, and Having the Right Feelings

By Alex Pabellon

Originally published Jan 26, 2018

Remember that 1989 Spike Lee movie you’re supposed to like? Spike Lee plays the role of Mookie, an African American man in Brooklyn who works at a local pizza shop, proudly owned by an Italian American and his two sons.