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CSA’s free weekly publication, a carefully curated collection of original articles at the intersection of spiritual formation and social action.

How Are Christians to Respond to an Addicted Nation?

By Melanie Springer Mock
Like many people, my understanding of addiction has been informed primarily by mass media. I’m an inveterate watcher of 20/20 and the reality program Intervention; I am a consumer of memoirs and movies about those who

It Is Well

For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world.

Bearing Witness

By Beth Foster

The trees around the slaughterhouse are filled with a fatal lullaby because the mockingbirds have learned this funeral dirge of the young.

Peep. Peep. Peep.

That’s what haunts me most—even more than the puddles of blood and the truck brimming with the “waste” parts of bodies.

Liturgy for Millennials? A Review of "Ever Ancient, Ever New"

By Leslie Michele

A zealous, albeit flawed, examination of liturgy in contemporary churches.
In his book Ever Ancient, Ever New, Winfield Bevins makes a case for the transformative power of the ancient rituals engaged in by Christians throughout the centuries.

Watch What God Is Doing…

By Eugene H. Peterson
If you don’t take a Sabbath, something is wrong. You’re doing too much, you’re being too much in charge.

Invitation to Live: A Review of "Safehold"

By Adriel Rose

There’s something about poetry that is particularly grounding for me. Poetry stops time in unusual ways, quieting my chaotic mind enough to take in every word. The pictures painted in each stanza form so clearly in my imagination that I find myself lost in the author’s world.

Fourth of July Vegan Barbecue!

By Carol J. Adams
My spouse, Bruce, has been the Associate Pastor for Community Ministries at a church in Dallas for 30 years. When we first arrived we learned that the Fourth of July barbecue hosted by the church’s senior activities group was