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By Ben Barczi
I don’t remember exactly when I realized I was gay. It was something I became aware of slowly, realizing somewhere during my middle school years that what I was feeling toward other guys was what people meant by “homosexual.” But I do remember being deeply afraid and ashamed.
By Shae Washington
“See me as a whole person, not as an issue.”
This is how I began my response to a question posed by a fellow participant at a recent Oriented to Love dialogue.
Your kid—and/or their friends—have come out as LGBTQ+. You want to understand, to respond lovingly, and to engage all involved in a conversation that keeps the channels of communication open. The resources below can provide the kind of insight you’re looking for.
If you’re a Christian who identifies as LGBTQIA+ looking for a wide range of thoughtful voices on the relationship between faith, sexuality and gender, our resources—which focus on honoring our own and others’ experiences—offer a wealth of mature, nuanced voices.
Our resources allow Christian leaders to access the voices of a wide variety of queer Christians. Regardless of your theological position—or confusion—on these matters, we invite you to use these resources to deepen your insights into those you may be serving …
Reviewed by Tim Otto
I just counted the books on my selves about faith and homosexuality: I have 51. I also just finished reading Ken Wilson’s A Letter to My Congregation: An Evangelical Pastor’s Path to Embracing People Who Are Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender into the Company of Jesus (David Crumm Media, 2014).
By Tyler Watson
Stories along two fronts of the culture war have dominated social media conversation recently. First, the undercover videos that the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) recorded and released in which Planned Parenthood leaders discuss the harvesting of fetal body parts and the costs associated with donating those parts to scientific research.
By Tyler Watson
From abortion rights to gun rights
Stories along two fronts of the culture war have dominated social media conversation recently. First, the undercover videos that the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) recorded and released in which Planned Parenthood leaders discuss the harvesting of fetal body parts and the costs associated with donating those parts to scientific research.
By Kendra Langdon Juskus
“Oh God, enlarge within us the sense of fellowship with all living things, our brothers the animals to whom Thou gavest the earth in common with us. … May we realize that they love the sweetness of life even as we…” – Basil of Caesarea
Before Stella was Stella, she was a nameless “production unit” at a factory farm, and her time was almost up.
By Jonathan Beachy
A litany of lament, confession, and commitment to our brothers and sisters who are sexual minorities
Reviewed by John Seel
It’s time boomer parents learned something from their millennial children, whose take on reality is both distinctive and instructive.
By Ben Barczi
How can we pursue good for our siblings in Christ when their convictions clash with ours?
By Victor M. Parachin
“If anything is truly equal opportunity, it is battering. Domestic violence crosses all socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, educational, age and religious lines.”
– K. J. Wilson, When Violence Begins at Home
Sadly, a US Department of Justice study indicates that approximately 1 million violent crimes are committed by former spouses, boyfriends, or girlfriends each year, with 85 per cent of the victims being women.
By Tevin Tietje
Belonging can be an odd thing to navigate for Christians in this world. We are told to be in the world but not of it. We were created to live here and instructed to multiply, to fill the earth.
(347 – 407)
In a culture where religious officials were expected to cultivate the rich and powerful, John Chrysostom, patriarch of Constantinople, defied the unspoken rules by constantly crusading against excess on the part of the wealthy and advocating tirelessly for the poor and oppressed.
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