In Praise of Skepticism and Discomfort: A Review of “How to Have an Enemy”

By Ryan Groff

How to Have an Enemy: Righteous Anger & The Work of Peace by Rev. Melissa Florer-Bixler is a sermon. Like a good sermon it encourages skepticism and ensures discomfort.

As an elder-Millennial like me might say, this sermon teaches listeners “how to enemy.” We have tried to raise our children with similar instructions on when anger and hate are appropriate and when they are not.

Critical Race Theory, Part 3: Six Key Tenets of Critical Race Theory in Christianity

By Robert Chao Romero

To foster racial reconciliation, structural reform, and constructive dialogue, I present here a framework of Critical Race Theory in Christianity.
1. Community Cultural Wealth and Social Justice. From a biblical vantage point, every ethnic group of the world possesses distinct, God-given, cultural treasure/wealth.

2021 Black History Month Recommendations for the Whole Family

Compiled by Dominique Gilliard

These lists are nowhere near exhaustive. A multitude of other great resources like Reading While Black, Who Will Be a Witness, Becoming, The Souls of Black Folk, The Miseducation of the Negro, and The Parable of the Sower could very well be on a list of this nature.

Challenging Racism: The Brown Church

By Robert Chao Romero

I’m Spanish.
My family is from Spain.
We’re from Peru, but my husband is Italian.
I’m a norteño; I’m not an Indian from southern Mexico.
She has “bad hair.”
Marry someone lighter than you, pa’ que mejorar la raza.

Am I a Racist Without Knowing It?

By John Seel, Ph.D
In the United States, Black men are far more likely to be hassled by law enforcement during routine traffic stops. It is also likely, in a conversation about this fact, that a white male will not appreciate the degree to which his privilege is

Hidden Identity

By Kelley Nikondeha

As an adopted person I’ve lived with the reality of a hidden history. My origin story remains unknown to me, sealed by a court order for almost 50 years now. I know little about my mother—just that she was Mexican and an accountant at the time of my birth.

How Dr. James Cone Shaped My Evangelical Faith Journey

By Andrea Smith

Dr. James Cone, the founder of Black liberation theology, passed away on April 28, 2018. Dr. Cone became famous during President Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, during the controversy surrounding Jeremiah White.