Building a new common sense about
 racial justice

Welcome to the Racial Justice Institute

Christians are called to be one in Christ (Galatians 3:28), not to erase the beautiful differences the Creator bestowed upon humanity, but to utterly destroy the hierarchies and domination that humans attach to those differences.

The Racial Justice Institute develops a variety of learning experiences (pilgrimages, courses,
media, writing, video, etc.) that engage people of faith around issues of identity, history and
justice at the intersection of race as a social issue.  By gathering communities to journey together, to learn, RJI creates brave spaces to go deep to understand the roots of racism.  RJI also leads groups to historic or contemporary sites, to go deeper into history and the stories of those who were there.


Fighting the U.S. Caste Culture

An interview with Michelle Alexander
Denouncing our present system as “a caste-like system that locks millions of Americans into permanent second-class status,” Alexander marshals both hard data and human stories to advocate for laws that would reverse our country’s escalating prison population.

Don’t Call Yourself My Ally

By Alicia Crosby
“…we’re on the same side. I’m your ally.” I’ve heard a version of this sentiment too many times to count over the years, and after taking a deep breath and stifling the urge to roll my eyes, my response is always the same: You cannot name yourself as an ally; that title is bestowed upon you. It should not be assumed.

Racial Justice Institute Team

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