A Prayer for and of the Church

Our Father of our crucified and resurrected Christ,
We gather together to seek You,
not of our own initiative but because of the call of Your Spirit in our hearts,
the Spirit that reveals to Your worldwide church that Your will is not yet being done on earth as it is in heaven.

We respond to Your urge in us to come together in unity,
as imperfect as that unity is at the moment,
but we gather expectantly and in knowledge that You desire all movements made out of love and longing to be in communion with You and with Your body.

We respond to Your urge in us to see the church reflect Your image in this world.
Convict us of methods, projects, plans that have served a self-serving earthly kingdom.
Convict us of attempts at forcing Your kingdom on earth.
Convict us of having the answers before approaching You in agony with the questions.

We ask that You give us the questions we should be asking You, as we come together.
We ask for the sake of Your church, and we ask that You reveal to us the church in unexpected places that may have not fitted our definitions, since You have more sheep pens than we are aware of.
We ask to hear Your voice, and we ask that You will keep our ears open to hear from unexpected places, since You have often spoken through pagan kings and prophets, through the mouth of babes, and through the preaching of Your creation.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One God.


Myrto Theocharous was born and raised in Nicosia, Cyprus. She did her undergraduate studies in Bible and Theology at the Greek Bible College in Athens, Greece, her graduate studies in Biblical Exegesis at Wheaton College, Illinois, and her doctoral studies in Old Testament at the University of Cambridge. She is a lecturer at the Greek Bible College in Athens, an author and public speaker, and her interests include the book of Deuteronomy and Old Testament ethics. Myrto has been active in anti-trafficking street work for many years and is currently the president of the Greek anti-trafficking ministry called New Life.

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