Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Racism: Tools for Non-violent Struggle

You want to make a difference. Nonviolently. Now.

  • Is nonviolent struggle actually effective?
  • What tools are available to me?
  • What can I do locally?

Andre Henry, program manager for CSA’s Racial Justice Institute, and nonviolent strategist Rev. Lauren Grubaugh* discuss about what it takes to bring about lasting change—nonviolently—in the fight against racism.

*Rev. Lauren Grubaugh is an Episcopal priest, certified Kaleidoscope Institute dialogue Facilitator, Spanish-English translator, subversive liturgist, and nonviolent strategist. She’s committed to the liberative practices of soulful dance, radical curiosity, and bold storytelling. She lives, bikes and birdwatches in South Denver, on Arapaho and Cheyenne homelands.

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Black Self-Care as Protest: Body Scan

By Rev. Da Saint

Originally published Feb 26, 2021

Black History Month Meditative Moment (3 of 3)
Join us for a 5-minute body scan to bring our body and spirit into congruence.