Webinar: How Can I Talk With Family and Friends Who Disagree With Me This Election Year?

Are there ways to begin a conversation across deep political divides that lead to real listening and dialogue rather than anger and silence? I think it’s possible. Listen in on one of my recently recorded webinars where I address ideas for engaging your family and friends when they disagree with your political positions, especially in such a contentious election season as the one we’re in now.

I just edited a book called The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump: 30 Evangelical Christians on Justice, Truth, and Moral Integrity.  Mark Labberton, President of Fuller Seminary, says of the book: “Whether you agree or disagree with these voices, I believe their perspectives and arguments are urgently in need of being heard.“ And Roberta Hestenes, former President of Eastern University and International Minister-at-large for World Vision, says of the issues discussed in the book that “Christian witness and faithfulness to the gospel are all at stake.“

The contributors are Republicans, Independents and Democrats. Former Republican congressman Reid Ribble writes a chapter on immigration policy. Peter Wehner–who held important positions in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush–writes about “the deepening crisis in evangelical Christianity.” Dr. Stephen Meyer, a longtime CIA analyst and now the Dean of Graduate Studies at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security in Washington, somberly ponders the future of our nation. Yale theologian Miroslav Volf and missiologist Samuel Escobar add theological reflections. In my chapter, I ask whether the evangelical center will remain silent in 2020. You can learn more and order the book here.

Ron Sider is the Founder and President Emeritus of Christians for Social Action. Subscribe to Ron’s free blog here!

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