Video: Prayer Confronting Political Violence

Twice a month, our partners at the Center for Christian Civics lead prayer for the effect Christians are having on our civic life—and the effect toxic polarization is having on the church! This week, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson of Missio Alliance joined Rick Barry to lead prayer.

Together, they offered up three prayers for political violence in the US. The first prayer lifted up the targets of American political violence. The second covered repentance for numbness toward (or even complicity in) violence. The third confronted the grip violent imagery has on our political imaginations.

You can pray along with the entire call above. For transcripts of past prayers, or to sign up for future prayer calls, visit the Christian Civics website.

Rick Barry is the co-founder and Director of the Center for Christian Civics. He has worked on campaigns for local, state and federal office, is a former writer and editor for Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and oversaw communications for the Grace DC church network. He and his wife live in Washington, DC.

Lisa Rodriguez-Watson is the National Director of Missio Alliance, helping ministry leaders navigate the most pressing issues facing the North American church. She has served as an urban church planter, collegiate minister, seminary professor, international missionary and community development practitioner.

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