Webinar: Leading Your Church Through Grief and Loss

Accompanying individuals and congregations in the process of grief and bereavement is one of the most important dimensions of pastoral ministry. In times such as these, with a pandemic breathing down our necks and the world caught in a state of collective trauma, this task becomes a most essential expression of our pastoral ministry and a tangible way to be the Body of Christ, with and for each other. In this presentation, spiritual director Dr. Francesca Nuzzolese leads us through a series of questions designed to help pastors and other ministry leaders care for their communities while also caring for themselves.
  • What dynamics should we be aware of as we pastor people through grief and loss?
  • What frameworks are helpful for thinking through grief and loss?
  • What are some healthy self-reflection questions for pastors to ask before caring for others amidst grief?
  • Why is it important to ask these questions?
  • What questions should we ask ourselves and our role as pastoral caregivers?
  • What categories of loss are helpful to name while giving pastoral care?
  • What types of grief might people be experiencing in this season?


(This recording was edited from a longer webinar with ministry leaders from CSA’s Oriented to Love community, which took place on April 1, 2020.)

Dr. Francesca Nuzzolese is a scholar, activist, clergywoman, and spiritual director based in the Netherlands. She is committed to the organic and intentional integration of theory and pastoral praxis, issues of faith and social justice, the gifts of faith communities and the needs of the world. Leading spiritual retreats and offering educational workshops on a variety of psycho-spiritual and social issues is an expression of such commitments: to see growth and transformation in individuals, families, and communities, both domestically and internationally.

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