Studies & Guides

25 Books by Indigenous Authors You Should Be Reading
By Kaitlin B. Curtice
Originally published on November 26, 2019
I’m constantly asked for resources on how people can move forward learning about Indigenous culture, and I’m often repeating the same thing: read books.

How Associative Hermeneutics Help Us Understand Scripture and Society
By Love Sechrest
Reading with an eye toward questions of race relations and gender arrangements will inevitably involve having our eyes drawn to the situations, stories, and characters in the biblical texts that depict intergroup conflict and those that feature women.

Critical Race Theory, Part 3: Six Key Tenets of Critical Race Theory in Christianity
By Robert Chao Romero
To foster racial reconciliation, structural reform, and constructive dialogue, I present here a framework of Critical Race Theory in Christianity.
1. Community Cultural Wealth and Social Justice. From a biblical vantage point, every ethnic group of the world possesses distinct, God-given, cultural treasure/wealth.

Critical Race Theory in Christianity, Part 2: An Introduction to Critical Race Theory
By Robert Chao Romero
As a practical response to the spiritual borderlands of institutional Christianity and Ethnic Studies, I propose a new academic project—that of Critical Race Theory in Christianity. To those who may be unfamiliar, Critical Race Theory (CRT) examines the intersection of race, racism, and U.S.

Critical Race Theory in Christianity, Part I: The Christian-Ethnic Studies Borderlands
By Robert Chao Romero
Author’s note: Critical Race Theory has been the subject of much controversy in some Christian circles. As a follower of Christ, pastor, and professor of Critical Race Theory at UCLA, I feel that it is important for me to chime in, because much of the controversy flows from misunderstanding.

A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer: Collects for the Black Lives Matter Movement—and Beyond
By Kenji Kuramitsu
Our worship and our prayers and our way of living are all intimately intertwined

Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Racism: Thinking Strategically About Disrupting Racist Systems
Speakers: Andre Henry and Zach Hoover
A conversation about how to think practically and strategically about confronting racist systems.

Don’t Call Yourself My Ally
By Alicia Crosby
“…we’re on the same side. I’m your ally.” I’ve heard a version of this sentiment too many times to count over the years, and after taking a deep breath and stifling the urge to roll my eyes, my response is always the same: You cannot name yourself as an ally; that title is bestowed upon you. It should not be assumed.

Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Racism: Tools for Non-violent Struggle
Speakers: Andre Henry and Laurent Grubaugh
A teach-in on the tools of non-violent struggle

Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Racism: Thinking Beyond the Protest
Speakers: Andre Henry and Micky Scottbey Jones
A conversation about what it takes to bring about lasting change

The Only Justice for George Floyd Is to Finally Abolish Slavery in the U.S.
By Andre Henry
“I can’t breathe,” he pleaded. For several minutes, George Floyd lay handcuffed and pinned to the ground by a white Minneapolis police officer kneeling on his neck.
“Please,” he begged.

Connecting With the Struggle: An Interview With Bryan Stevenson of "Just Mercy"
By Laura Coulter
Even 25 years ago, $500 wasn’t enough to hire a good ballistics expert. But that’s all the state of Alabama would cough up for Anthony Ray Hinton to prove that his gun wasn’t the one used in a 1985 double murder.

Environmental Racism
By Miguel De La Torre
We are called by God to be good stewards of the earth. Unfortunately, racism gets in the way. Environmental racism, defined as the link between the degradation of the environment and the racial composition of the areas where degradation takes place, is all too prevalent among communities of color in the US.

How to Talk With White Folks About Race: An Introduction
By Drick Boyd
White people, like myself, need to recognize our responsibility to talk with other white people about race, especially in light of current events and the increasing polarization in our nation around issues of race and ethnicity.

Church, We Have Work to Do
By Nikki Toyama-Szeto
It is tempting to say the rally in Charlottesville to “Unite the Right” was ignorant. Or to call it bigotry. It’s easy to call this “divisions between people” or something else that analyzes, holds the situation at arm’s-length, and allows us to return to our plate of penne.

#BlackLivesMatter: Debunking 10 Myths
By Leroy Barber
My heart dropped as I watched the face of Michael Brown’s mother and listened to her screams as she looked upon her son lying in the street, not being allowed to approach his body.